Monday 25 July 2016

Write my essay paper 7 fold myth

All of the above information fails to include the excellent work by Tim Garrett, which points out that only complete collapse avoids runaway greenhouse. After synchronization, the researchers detected wild variability that amplified the changes and accelerated into an abrupt warming event of several degrees within a few decades. A paper in the 12 September 2014 issue of Science concluded the major collapse of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf in 2002 resulted from warm local air temperatures, indicating the importance of global and local warming on ice dynamics. And in some cases, scientists are aggressively muzzled by their governments. According to the World Bank's 2012 report, Turn down the heat: why a 4°C warmer world must be avoided and an informed assessment of BP Energy Outlook 2030 put together by Barry Saxifrage for the Vancouver Observer, our path leads directly to the 4 C mark. After all, climate scientist Kevin Anderson tells us what I've known for years: politicians and the scientists writing official reports on climate change are lying, and we have less time than most people can imagine. I do not know of any scientists who do not believe that. On the other hand, a paper in the February 2016 issue of Climatic Change indicates that snakes are doing fine. The surprising result: Human-induced emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from ecosystems overwhelmingly surpass the ability of the land to soak up carbon dioxide emissions, which makes the terrestrial biosphere a contributor to climate change. Environmental Protection Agency chief Gina McCarthy said if that's not enough, climate change affects people's mental health, too. As indicated in the paper's abstract, We find that present trends in greenhouse-gas and aerosol emissions are now moving the Earth system into a regime in terms of multi-decadal rates of change that are unprecedented for at least the past 1,000 years. At this point, according to David Spratt's excellent September 2013 report, Is Climate Already Dangerous?, not only had Arctic sea-ice passed its tipping point, but the Greenland Ice Sheet was not far behind, as the Arctic moves to sea-ice-free conditions in summer (the U. They found that methane emissions from lakes and ponds alone are equivalent to roughly two-thirds of all natural methane sources in the northern region. The first copyright law was a censorship law. It was not about protecting the rights of authors, or encouraging them to produce new works. Authors' rights were in Naturally, these reports focused on economic impacts and the need for further research. K. foreign secretary said in September 2008 on BBC America television, with respect to climate change: Will it harm our children? Expert. Even museums are not safe from misinformation about climate science to appease fossil-fuel philanthropists, as reported in the 17 June 2014 issue of AlterNet. In other words, climate warming accelerates carbon release from thawing Arctic soils. Even before the dire feedbacks were reported by the scientific community, the administration abandoned climate change as a significant issue because it knew we were done as early as 2009. Log in with either your Library Card Number or EZ Login. Library ID or EZ Username Last Name or EZ Password. Remember Me We combine borehole optical televiewer logging and radar measurements with remote sensing and firn modelling to investigate the layer, found to be ~10 °C warmer and ~170 kg m−3 denser than anticipated in the absence of ponding and hitherto used in models of ice-shelf fracture and flow.

Finally, far too late, the New Yorker posits a relevant question on 5 November 2013: Is It Too Late to Prepare for Climate Change? The paper's abstract concludes: The unprecedented (1948-2015) and sustained atmospheric conditions promoted enhanced runoff, increased the surface temperatures and decreased the albedo in northern Greenland, while inhibiting melting in the south, where new melting records were set over the past decade. The influence of this structural change has dominated over the effect of the comparably weak climate warming during this decade. It's not merely scientists who know where we're going. Specifically, the senior authored explained in an interview: It's like a can of coke. If the truth is dire, they can find another, not-so-dire version. As Halldor Thorgeirsson, a senior director with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, said on 17 September 2013: We are failing as an international community. Exposure to sunlight increases bacterial conversion of exposed soil carbon, thus accelerating thawing of the permafrost (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, February 2013). Destabilization of the deep circulation in the Atlantic Ocean may be spasmodic and abrupt rather than a more gradual increase as earlier expected, according to a paper published in the 21 February 2014 issues of Science. A paper published in the 18 January 2016 online edition of Nature Climate Change found that more than 90 percent of the heat trapped by greenhouse gas pollution since the 1970s has wound up in the oceans, and.. Compromised access to food and water greatly increases the prospect for famine and deadly epidemics. As the ocean goes, so do we. James Hansen's endorsement notwithstanding, nuclear power plants contribute to, rather than prevent, additional warming of Earth. When there is no ability to grow food or secure water, humans will exit the planetary stage, as finally realized by the mainstream scientific community with a paper in the 2 October 2015 issue of Science: a stable food web was critical to the few species that survived the most severe mass extinction event in planetary history. Some of these country-sized, so-called safety bands are extremely dynamic and therefore susceptible to rapid breakup. Comeback. Over the tropical West Pacific there is a natural, invisible hole extending over several thousand kilometers in a layer that prevents transport of most of the natural and man-made substances into the stratosphere by virtue of its chemical composition. Trees are tipping over and dying as permafrost thaws, thus illustrating how self-reinforcing feedback loops feed each other. Soil microbial communities release unexpectedly more carbon dioxide when temperatures rise (Nature, 4 September 2014). Never mind the arguments from policy advisers to Ronald Reagan and George H. The climate situation is much worse than I've led you to believe, and is accelerating far more rapidly than accounted for by models. A paper in the 15 December 2014 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences provides the first comprehensive picture of how Greenland's ice is vanishing and concludes that Greenland may lose ice more rapidly in the near future than previously thought. Habitat for human animals is disappearing throughout the world, and abrupt climate change has barely begun. From the 12 November 2015 online issue of Science comes a paper titled, Fast retreat of Zachariæ Isstrøm, northeast Greenland. A subsequent paper in the 22 October 2014 issue of Nature illustrates the key role of a single species of microbe in amplifying climate change. Without the ability to slow down, however, the bacteria has the potential to gobble up all its available resources, which could trigger die-offs of the microorganism and the higher organisms that depend on it. Global methane emissions from wetlands are currently about 165 teragrams (megatons metric) each year. Los Alamos National Laboratory catches on during same month. In the upper regions (more than ~1,900 m above sea level), firn has undergone substantial densification, while at lower elevations, where melt is most abundant, porous firn has lost most of its capability to retain meltwater. Is There a Way Out? Contrary to the notion that changing solar radiation is responsible for rising global temperature, the amount of solar radiation passing through Earth's atmosphere and reaching the ground globally peaked in the 1930s, substantially decreased from the 1940s to the 1970s, and changed little after that. Since active layer is thicker after a fire and cannot recover in most of the areas, the fire effects on active layer are widespread. 1 Epidemiologists may prefer the term pandemic for a widespread epidemic like HIV/AIDS. The terms are often used interchangeably, as will be the case here.

Write my essay paper 7 fold myth

The rate of loss during the period 2010-2013 was double that during the period 2005-2010, according to a paper in the 16 June 2014 issue of Geophysical Research Letters. paper myth They used to say that you cannot fold a sheet of paper 7 times no matter the size of the paper. Mythbusters decided to put an end to And he ought to know. The 17 December 2015 issue of Nature includes a paper describing shifts in the assembly of plants and animals. According to the final lines of the abstract: Glaciological and geodetic observations (~5200 since 1850) show that the rates of early 21st-century mass loss are without precedent on a global scale, at least for the time period observed and probably also for recorded history, as indicated also in reconstructions from written and illustrated documents. Here, the formation of near-surface ice layers renders deep pore space difficult to access, forcing meltwater to enter an efficient surface discharge system and intensifying ice sheet mass loss earlier than previously suggested. Larry Schwartz, writing for AlterNet on 21 July 2014, concludes, Many environmentalists think we have already passed the point of no return. And it appears sea-level rise has gone exponential, judging from Scribbler's 4 May 2015 analysis. According to the abstract of the paper: This represents an unprecedented microbial evolutionary response, as reproductive fitness increases acquired in the selection environment are maintained after returning to the ancestral environment. Finally, in a blow to technocrats published online in the 25 June 2014 issue of Nature Climate Change, a large and distinguished group of international researchers concludes geo-engineering will not stop climate change. Over the past 10 years, the Atlantic Ocean has soaked up 50 percent more carbon dioxide than it did the decade before, measurably speeding up the acidification of the ocean, according to a paper published in the 30 January 2016 issue of Global Biogeochemical Cycles. Currently the winds are at a level never before seen on observed records, which extend back to the 1860s. According to a paper published 22 June 2016 in Nature Communications, there's a strawberry-colored algae blooming in the northern reaches of Earth. I'm not sure what it means to plan for 4 C (aka extinction). Clouds are among the leading causes of this uncertainty. S. National Research Council as reported by Truth-out). Titled Arctic cut-off high drives the poleward shift of a new Greenland melting record, the abstract reports, we show that the persistence of an exceptional atmospheric ridge, centred over the Arctic Ocean, was responsible for a poleward shift of runoff, albedo and surface temperature records over the Greenland during the summer of 2015. This warming has resulted in about 90% of overall global warming going into heating the oceans, and the oceans have been warming dramatically, according to a paper published in the March 2013 issue of Geophysical Research Letters. According the 10 August 2015 issue of Newsweek, National Geographic Has Redrawn Its Atlas Because of the Melting Arctic. The north pole is on the run. Once you pull the tab on the can of beer, there's no keeping the carbon dioxide from bubbling up and out. Extreme weather, along with public policies affecting food and water supplies, can worsen or create humanitarian crises. An overview of the phenomenon, focused on the Amazon, was provided by Climate News Network on 5 March 2014. According to the 8 December 2015 issue of The Guardian, An undercover sting by Greenpeace has revealed that two prominent climate sceptics were available for hire by the hour to write reports casting doubt on the dangers posed by global warming. The two sources of methane are sufficiently similar to warrant considering them in combination. According to a paper published in the 28 July 2015 issue of Geophysical Research Letters, a large carbon sink or pool lies beneath the Tarim basin in Xinjiang, China. Like in a giant elevator, many chemical compounds emitted at the ground pass thus unfiltered through this so-called detergent layer of the atmosphere. SIMON MAGUS INTRODUCTION. Everybody in Christendom has heard of Simon, the magician, and how Peter, the apostle, rebuked him, as told in the narrative of the Acts Tomlin's line is never more germane than when thinking about their pursuit of a buck at the expense of life on Earth. A paper in the 9 June 2016 issue of Nature Communications includes data from the 2015 melt season. Mythology Essay. Example of a Mythology Essay. The word myth is closely related to the term culturology. So, How to write a Expository Essay. They surfaced by the tens of thousands, belly-up, and the stench drifted in the air for weeks.. Adding to the rapidity of ice melt on Greenland is cloud cover. The NPPA will respond to serious questions and challenges raised by Peltier supporters, as well as formal statements by Leonard Peltier and the Leonard Peltier And, history tells us, fear will prevent us taking sufficient action in time. C. Cain and Abel. Scriptures and folktales. Cain and Abel (Genesis). The Story of the Two Sons of Adam 2/22/1980 · That Said spoke truth to power is the legacy many of his followers seek to construct. It was the theme of many of his obituaries. " He spoke truth to power The investigation, based on data from more than 5,000 Swedish lakes, demonstrates that carbon dioxide emissions from the world's lakes, water courses, and reservoirs are equivalent to almost a quarter of all the carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels. The situation on land is worsening, too, as a result of climate change. This strong imbalance implies that glaciers in many regions will very likely suffer further ice loss, even if climate remains stable. The Eemian is a poor analog for contemporary climate change, notably with respect to the rapid, ongoing disappearance of summer ice in the Arctic. A paper in the 18 November 2015 issue of The Cryosphere points out that as Greenland climate is now rapidly warming, summer melt intensity no longer oscillates around its long term mean, and instead previously exceptional events are becoming normal. Such a massive loss would have a warming effect roughly equivalent to all human activity to date. In the near future, habitat for Homo sapiens will be gone. And, as reported in the journal Global and Planetary Change in April 2013, every molecule of atmospheric carbon dioxide since 1980 comes from human emissions. Habitat matters, too. Get an answer for ' I have to write an essay on myths. My paper is only one illustrate the need that men have for the myth of " The American Dream" and for Where this large amount of carbon dioxide went to and the processes through which the greenhouse gas reached the atmosphere again has been controversial. Microsporidia are diversely distributed, opportunistic, and density-dependent parasites infecting hosts from almost all known animal taxa. Companies! Whatever is happening, it's something new for at least the last 60 years in the Arctic. We find that the highest resolution climate model (∼10 km ocean, ∼50 km atmosphere) resolves Northwest Atlantic circulation and water mass distribution most accurately. Here we show that the ECS can be up to 1.3°C higher in simulations where mixed-phase clouds consisting of ice crystals and supercooled liquid droplets are constrained by global satellite observations. According to a paper in the 11 February 2016 issue of Science, between 2002 and 2014, climate variability resulted in an additional 3200 ± 900 gigatons of water being stored on land,.. My question is: When will the thermometer begin to show a rise in temperature? According to Yvo de Boer, who was executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2009, when attempts to reach a deal at a summit in Copenhagen crumbled with a rift between industrialized and developing nations, the only way that a 2015 agreement can achieve a 2-degree goal is to shut down the whole global economy. Although permafrost temperatures have been increasing gradually, we find that ice-wedge degradation is occurring on sub-decadal timescales.. Ice sheets may be hiding vast reservoirs in the Arctic, too, as reported in the 7 January 2016 issue of Nature Communications. Global loss of sea ice matches the trend in the Arctic. Changing the conditions causes loss of habitat for every species. Recent studies have shown that edge melt results in rapid destabilization and speeds glacier flows due to the fact that edge ice traditionally acts like a wall holding the more central and denser ice pack back. By early August 2014 tundra fires were burning just 70 miles south of Arctic Ocean waters and the fires were creating their own weather via pyrocumulus clouds. Tickell is taking a conservative approach, considering humans have not been present at 3.3 C or more above baseline (i.e, the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, commonly accepted as 1750). myth of sisyphus essay; write a paper fast; essay writer cheap; my favorite singer essay; Menu back. The myth of sisyphus essay. Attorney david peak s reviews and I'm often told Earth can't possibly be responsive enough to climate change to make any difference to us.

Longer than time capsules, longer than nuclear waste, far longer than the age of human civilization so far. Even 10-year-olds understand that climate change is poised to cause human extinction, as indicated in this short video posted online 16 November 2015. Neither source recognizes that 2 C is already assured in the absence of fantasy technology: Specifically, as pointed out via the title of a paper published in the 3 August 2015 issue of Nature Communications, Negative emissions physically needed to keep global warming below 2 °C. Specifically, research published in the 29 January 2014 issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London indicates insects are particularly vulnerable to temperature swings. And, they say, we'll be able to lower atmospheric carbon dioxide by a whopping 17.5 ppm in only two decades. Oddly, they seem to be ignorant about it today. Whatever we do now is too late. In fact, thermal expansion is about twice as large over the past 12 years as previously assumed. Yet another example of interactions between self-reinforcing feedback loops was reported in the 29 October 2015 issue of Scientific Reports. In the absence of civilization, Earth would have entered the early stages of a natural ice age. The study refers to a mass extinction event about 200 million years ago. According to a paper in the 18 December 2015 issue of Science Advances, Many large tropical trees with sizeable contributions to carbon stock rely on large vertebrates for seed dispersal and regeneration, however many of these frugivores are threatened by hunting, illegal trade, and habitat loss.. Dissertation (etc) for me. The study investigated the causes of ice melt during two exceptional melt episodes in 2012, which occurred 8-11 July and 27-28 July. Specifically, according to the paper's abstract: Future global warming from anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions will depend on climate feedbacks, the effect of which is expressed by climate sensitivity.. On land, anthropogenic emissions of methane in the United States have been severely underestimated by the Environmental Protection (sic) Agency, according to a paper in the 25 November 2013 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The impacts of the latter may thus be even more severe.

Savannas are simply described as grasslands with scattered trees or shrubs. Rather than shoulder the unenviable task of truth-teller, Obama did as his imperial higher-ups demanded: He lied about collapse, and he lied about climate change. A paper in the 20 June 2016 issue of Nature Climate Change concludes that the so-called slowdown in global warming during the early 2000s is attributable to two factors, a negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and also increased aerosols from Chinese industrial activity. These feedbacks are not additive, they are multiplicative: They not only reinforce within a feedback, the feedbacks also reinforce among themselves (as realized even by Business Insider on 3 October 2013). The abstract of the paper includes the following lines: Global climate is influenced by the Arctic hydrologic cycle, which is, in part, regulated by sea ice through its control on evaporation and precipitation.. And even the often-conservative Robert Scribbler points out in his 18 July 2014 essay: NASA's CARVE study has been silent for a year, the University of Maryland has stopped putting out publicly available AIRS methane data measures, the NOAA ESRL methane flask measures, possibly due to lack of funding, haven't updated since mid-May, and even Gavin Schmidt over at NASA GISS appears to have become somewhat mum on a subject that, of late, has generated so much uncomfortable controversy. In other words, as with the other major self-reinforcing feedback loops, dark snow is not included in contemporary models. And ice patches on the wall are now seasonal, rather than year-round. Indeed, the current solar activity cycle is the weakest in a century. But it is actually warm ocean waters that are eating away at the ice along part of its western side, a group of scientists reported 15 July 2016 in the journal Science. I cannot imagine a scenario involving a rapid rise in global-average temperature and also retention of habitat for humans. Already, according to a paper published in the 28 August 2015 issue of Nature, 5.7% of the global total land area has shifted toward warmer and drier climate types from 1950-2010, and significant changes include expansion of arid and high-latitude continental climate zones, shrinkage in polar and midlatitude continental climates, poleward shifts in temperate, continental and polar climates, and increasing average elevation of tropical and polar climates. It's down, down, and down some more, with the five lowest values on record all happening in the last seven years (through 2012). The Brisbane Times catches up with abrupt climate change on 18 August 2014: Let us be clear: if these methane escapes continue to grow, the risk is they could drive the planet into accelerated or ‘runaway' global warming. I don't wanna write my paper 500 sheets The research analyzed 10,003 long-term phenological data sets of 812 of the UK's marine, freshwater, and land-based plant and animal species collected between 1960 and 2012 on everything from fish spawning to plant flowering. The Americas provide a unique opportunity to disentangle these factors as human colonization took place over a narrow time frame (~15 to 14.6 ka) but during contrasting temperature trends across each continent.. In this case, tundra fires were blamed for thawing permafrost. Analysis of tropospheric data has linked elevated levels of ozone with Indonesian forest fires, according to a paper in the 13 January 2016 issue of Nature Communications. This picoplankton community shift may provide a negative feedback to rising atmospheric CO2. The results were published 12 February 2016 in Science Advances. In this case, the switch from ‘typical' to ‘recommended' comes with a 43% increase in energy use, primarily due to USDA recommendations for greater Caloric intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy, and fish/seafood, which have relatively high resource use and emissions per Calorie. Arctic permafrost houses about half the carbon stored in Earth's soils, an estimated 1,400 to 1,850 petagrams of it, according to NASA, which is more than twice as much as already exists in the atmosphere. A paper in the 3 February 2016 issue of Nature finds a long-sought smoking gun with respect to carbon storage in the deep ocean. According to research reported in the 26 March 2015 issue of Science, West Antarctic losses increased by 70% in the last decade, and earlier volume gain by East Antarctic ice shelves ceased. Using time series aerial and satellite imagery from 1947 to 2014 of 33 islands, along with historical insight from local knowledge, we have identified five vegetated reef islands that have vanished over this time period and a further six islands experiencing severe shoreline recession. Paul Ehrlich absurdly hails the glories of civilization but correctly concludes human extinction in the near term with his 10 January 2015 interview with MSNBC. In addition, average summer temperatures in the Canadian Arctic are now at the highest they've been for approaching 50,000 years (and perhaps up to 120,000 years) according to a paper published online 23 October 2013 in Geophysical Research Letters. Some university professors will promote climate-change denial for the right price. Similarly to the lag in temperature relative to increase greenhouse gas emissions, changes in ocean acidity lag behind alterations in atmospheric carbon dioxide, as reported in the 21 February 2014 issue of Environmental Research Letters.

The epic dust bowl of 2012 grew and grew and grew all summer long. Turnitin is revolutionizing the experience of writing to learn. Turnitin's formative feedback and originality checking services promote critical thinking, ensure However, we cannot expect this to be the case in the future. The latter paper was the focus of an an article in the 15 October version of the Washington Post. In fact, forest fragmentation results in up to a fifth more carbon dioxide being emitted by the vegetation. A study published in the 10 November 2015 issue of Nature Communications presents geomorphological data that reveal the existence of a large buried paleodrainage network on the Mauritanian coast. On a particularly dire note for humanity, climate change causes early death of 400,000 people each year causes early death of five million people each year. It has taken a sharp turn to the east. In other words, melting of permafrost on land leads to accelerating acidification of the ocean. Forest dieback resulting from atmospheric ozone is the primary topic addressed by Gail Zawacki at Wit's End. Come here! This rate of rise is over three times the rate of sea level rise during the time of satellite-based observations from 1993 to the present. According to a story in the 6 December 2015 issue of the Washington Post: With no government action, Exxon experts.. As a result, the International Energy Agency report dated 17 April 2013 indicates the development of low-carbon energy is progressing too slowly to limit global warming. Turnitin is revolutionizing the experience of writing to learn. Turnitin's formative feedback and A paper published online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 12 October 2015 finds abrupt changes in sea ice, oceanic flows, land ice, and terrestrial ecosystem response.. At the same time, bacteria help release nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous, which are essential to the food chain. The sudden, cascading nature of non-linearities is explained well in a paper published in the 11 November 2015 issue of Interface. Let's ignore the models for a moment and consider only the results of a single briefing to the United Nations Conference of the Parties in Copenhagen (COP15). Writing for Truth-Out, journalist John Feffer writes in his 27 April 2014 essay: The planet and its hardier denizens may soldier on, but for us it will be game over. This is one of those rare cases in which the title tells the story. Even voices from the mainstream media are catching up to the reality of abrupt climate change. Nor will we willingly forgo a few dollars by failing to take advantage of the long-sought Northwest Passage or make any attempt to slow economic growth. Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2016 - Week 05. Archives. 31 January 2016. Write an essay on the following topic in not more than 1000-1200 words: In a turn surprising only to mainstream climate scientists, Greenland ice is melting rapidly. Myth essay - Online Term Paper Writing Assistance looking for someone to write my essay; Ins/Lic; Graphics. chicago style research paper; Galleries life of pi Specifically, melting Arctic sea ice favors stronger and more frequent blocking-high pressure systems, which spin clockwise, stay largely in place and can block cold, dry Canadian air from reaching Greenland during summer.
Now, however, specific extreme weather events can be attributed to climate change. The seven lowest September sea ice extents in the satellite record have all occurred in the past seven years. Garrett reached the conclusion in a paper submitted in 2007 (personal communication) and published online by Climatic Change in November 2009 (outcry from civilized scientists delayed formal publication until February 2011). The bottom line from the paper's abstract: nearly half of the industrial-era increases in global OHC [Ocean Heat Content] have occurred in recent decades, with over a third of the accumulated heat occurring below 700 m and steadily rising. They are sources of greenhouse gases, notably including nitrous oxide and methane, with higher temperatures and enhanced nitrogen deposition contributing to amplification (Global Change Biology, 7 July 2015). By comparison, the total annual methane emission from all sources (including the human addition) is about 600 megatons each year. We obtain constrained estimates of CO2 and climate sensitivity before and during the PETM and of the PETM carbon input amount and nature. The abstract of a paper published in the 14 March 2016 issue of Nature Geoscience includes these telling lines: Ice wedges are common features of the subsurface in permafrost regions. Essay writer. Extensive measurements between 2011 and 2014 are reported as follows in the abstract: Perennial ice still blocks the lava tube at the terminal end, but a previously present large ice floor (estimated 260 m2) has disappeared. These results provide evidence that.. The terrestrial biosphere is a net source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, according to a paper in the 10 March 2016 issue of Nature: We find that the cumulative warming capacity of concurrent biogenic methane and nitrous oxide emissions is a factor of about two larger than the cooling effect resulting from the global land carbon dioxide uptake from 2001 to 2010. The marine situation is similarly catastrophic: The Guardian‘s headline from 16 July 2015 screams: Warming of oceans due to climate change is unstoppable, say US scientists in response to the annual State of the Climate in 2014 report. Francis' work was further validated in the 31 August 2015 online issue of Nature Geoscience in an article titled, Two distinct influences of Arctic warming on cold winters over North America and East Asia. According to a paper in the 24 July 2013 issue of Scientific Reports, melt rate in the Antarctic has caught up to the Arctic and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is losing over 150 cubic kilometres of ice each year according to CryoSat observations published 11 December 2013, and Antarctica's crumbling Larsen-B Ice Shelf is poised to finish its collapse, according to Ted Scambos, a glaciologist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union. According to a paper published in the 26 November 2015 issue of Nature Communications, Outlet glaciers grounded on a bed that deepens inland and extends below sea level are potentially vulnerable to ‘marine ice sheet instability'.

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